Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Happy Birthday April!

I love my sister to the core. Why you ask? Well...

1. She let me drop my He-man off the church balcony onto the Arch Bishop's head.

2. I didn't have to eat smoked salmon for dinner a few times. Together we can fool anyone, even dad!

3. She is an amazing mother of three G-R-E-A-T girls.

4. We both understand mom like no one understands mom, and let me tell you, no one understands mom.  

5. In highschool, I could totally crash unannounced for some grub.

6. Willowbud...need I say more?

7.  If it weren't for my sis, I might not have a baby book.

8. Long walks to Eastgate Gas for Lemonheads, Atomic Fireballs, Boston Baked Beans, and Firesticks.

9. Pee-chees, Gockies, and Iwannarines. Thanks for helping a brotha' out when no one else would.

10. Holding down the fort in Montana while I'm away on life.

11. Taking care of G-G for the long haul.

12. Biver and Katie, our parallel coconspirators. Meow. Meow. Meow.

13. Dragging the whole family some 500 miles to watch me finish Gonzaga off in style.

14. Passing along a toaster to me that is still running strong.

15. A crock pot, too!

16. Being my holiday season counselor. I shall make it through yet another Christmas celebration at home.

17. Hanging with me on our many road trips. Remember dad's awesome home remedy anti-nausea gel caps? What the heck were in those things???

18. Leading mom and dad through parenthood so that I had it pretty much easy-breasy.

19. Saving me from the Skylark the time it almost blew up coming back from the lake.

20. Ducking with me when dad laid on the horn at the drive-through nativity scene, which sent Joseph and Mary combat crawling for cover behind Jesus' cradle.

For these reasons and so many more, I'm glad you still in my life. If I moved back to Helena, do you think we would be friends? This time, THINK quickly and SPEAK slowly. Just kidding. Happy Birthday Ape!

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Spring Break 2009 (cont.)

I have been so busy this spring break romping around the city and having fun, but today was so great that it was actually worth writing home about. It very nearly was the perfect day.

I woke up this morning, slapped on my running shoes, and proceeded to do a little 5.6 mile jaunt around Magnuson Park. It was purely splendid. The sun was cresting over the cascades, the birds singing, and the day was looking to be a good one.

Upon returning, I had a lazy Sunday morning with a tall cup of coffee and a pair of puff ball felines.

After that, it was time to dust off the old Fuji. It needed some fine tuning, a little tweaking here and there, but was basically in stupendous riding condition. Lets here it for a bike that just won't quit.

Come midmorning, I rendezvoused with Jeff on the UW campus for a little cross city trek. We set out for Seward Park in south Seattle. The sun was burning brightly and it seemed as if every rider we passed had a huge smile on their face. It must be spring...

As Jeff and I traveled through neighborhood after neighborhood, we found ourselves distracted in the place where I have never set foot... the Mt. Baker neighborhood. I was enamored. This was a charming little community of people taking full advantage of a beautiful spring day.

Uh-oh, whats that over there? Could it be...? Maybe...? O-M-G. We, like, um, totally have to try this!

Wow. So, I am pretty sure that this little zip line was installed in the children's playground prior to having established playground safety regulations implemented this far west. Yeah Seattle! This is perfect for those of us who just never grew up!

I think Jeff might need a second before we hop back on the bikes...feeling dizzy son?

After all the shenanigans, we finally made it to Seward Park. We came...we saw...we rode back...

That ride was quite splendid indeed. I anticipate that I will be making that trek again sometime in the very near future.

March 29, 2009. It seems that the garden is very nearly up and running. Just a few last things before we actually put some seeds in the ground. I spy with my little eye...a hummingbird! It seems the resident hummy is back in his usual perch observing things from afar. Here's Sarah showing off our finished work for the day. That is one good looking plot!

But with the spring sun out on a Seattle weekend day, it would be a crime to head back home. Sarah and I agreed that an unauthorized preview of the work being done at Magnuson Park would be a fun adventure. Check out the new wetlands restoration project that's nearly completed!

I finished the day with a gourmet, home-cooked pizza and a side of cracked pepper asparagus. Every single aspect about the day was simply divine. I think that having this perfect day in my sails will help propel me to the finish line of physical therapy school. Three more months!!! My goodness, no matter how I look at it, I see that I am so fortunate on so many levels. Well, I guess its easy to see things this way after having a day like mine...however, ask me about my fortunes at the end of a long work week. One might not get the same response...

Well, this has been spring break 2009!!! 
Thanks for dropping in and I bid thee adieu.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Spring Break 2009

Last year I had the good fortune of traveling to NYC for my spring break. Amazing. Due to the kindness lavished on me by then strangers, it was totally possible on a student budget.

As I sat back in my chair contemplating possible adventures, this is what rolled through my mind: Cancun: eh. Southern California: been there, done that. Orlando: no thanks. Seattle Washington: done.

In a poem that I recently placed in front of my face, there was a line that I took to heart: "So when you go solo, you hold your own hand; and remember that depth is the greatest of heights. If you know where you stand, then you know where to land; if you fall it won't matter, cuz you'll know that you're right"

Instead of seeking adventure throughout each tucked away corner of the world, this year it was time that I took a vacation inward to see what I can find.

City Life: I'm a novice picture-taker with a little tiny camera. But, in such a cool city with beauty abound, still shots are a real fun way to capture the normal, everyday heartbeat of the city. Recently, I've spent many a nights just driving around, rocking some quality tunes, and...point, aim, FIRE!

Whether Seattle is Blue...

Whether Seattle is Gray...

Whether Seattle is Black...

Seattle is definitely a good lookin' city!

Seattle made national headlines last week in that one of two major newspaper circulations went out of print. The Seattle Post Intelligencer is hitting the news stands no longer. But, the Seattle PI's globe is still rotating proudly near the waterfront. Just beyond, a ferry is bringing commuters back and forth from the neighboring islands.

Although downtown is grandiose, it's seems a little prosaic when compared to the 'hoods. There is much fun to be had in the many Seattle neighborhoods.

Case and Point: Wallingford. The Wallingford Pizza House is my #1 fav pizza joint in the whole city. Dang, it IS exquisite. And actually just down the street lies one of my favorite movie houses, The Guild. Likely, its showing that really cool independent film that you've been meaning to see. As not to be outdone by the pompous presentation of the downtown skyline, Wallingford has a little skyline of its own...

Home Life: Its been nice to spend a little time at home and recoup from a rigorous 3 months of learning how to be a physical therapist. These poor little guys might agree as they seem pretty wiped out as well!

With all of this relaxation time, I think I've figured out a winning combination for a happy and healthy lifestyle: blue and green.

I've been spending a lot of time pounding the pavement over the last week. Since my internship ended 8 days ago, I've logged in 74 miles. Yum yum. My body is lovin' that! I'm not sure if I'm training for anything or not, but I can tell you that running is a sport that just won't quit inside my soul. Except for mom and dad, it might be my longest running relationship (pun intended?). Pushing my body to the brink has been a soulful journey and I have much more to say regarding this spiritual adventure. Stay tuned...

Garden Life: Spring gardening in the Pacific Northwest

March 7, 2009. Congratulations, you've recently acquired a huge plot of weeds and dirt. Good luck.

March 26, 2009. Alright plot, lets rumble. Patrick "The Percolator" Stempski and myself are here to put the smack down on you weeds.

March 27, 2009. OK weeds, UNCLE. I can't believe there are still more of you. Is 5 AM to early to start farming? I am feeling the pain of daylight saving times right now...good thing I am rocking the headlamp! I had a promising sunrise at 7AM. At 9AM I am able to stand proudly on a weed-free gardening plot. 
I am Farmer Dodge.

March 28, 2009. Superstar Sarah and I got a hot tip on some killer compost, as highly recommended by some veteran gardeners, to be found just north of Seattle. Road trip! We're rolling...

Well, this is spring break 2009. But wait! Its not even over yet. I will be taking my inaugural bike ride across the city tomorrow with a good PT buddy of mine, Jeff. I'll try to snap some pictures of us in spandex for my next posting. Eek!

Happy Spring!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Extraordinary Apple

It seems to me that there are musicians that cycle in my listening catalogue with fierce persistence. For me, Fiona Apple happens to be one these artist. Her songs strike that inner chord where harmonious, artistic expression meets a tumultuous storm of emotional confusion.

Paper Bag is a song from Fiona’s 1999 release “When the Pawn…”. I think this video is a wonderful marriage between tasteful choreography, beautiful instrumentation, and a captivating storyline. Additionally, the costume attire and the muted color palette seem to heighten the 1920s depiction in my mind.

“I was staring at the sky, just looking for a star to pray on, or wish on, or something like that…”

I will put my plug in for this album as my favorite. Although, her other releases maintain the same integrity and attention to detail. I would encourage you to explore her message if you find yourself with a little extra time and in need of some inner renovation.

When the pawn hits the conflicts he thinks like a king
 What he knows throws the blows when he goes to the fight
  And he'll win the whole thing before he enters the ring
    There's no body to batter when your mind is your might
     So when you go solo, you hold your own hand
      And remember that depth is the greatest of heights
       If you know where you stand, then you know where to land
        If you fall it won't matter, cuz you'll know that you're right

Monday, March 9, 2009

The Sun Now Sets To Reveal Another Glorious Day

The last couple of years have challenged me to put on a face marked with balance and consistency. I am grateful for the life events that have gently guided me in this learning process because I feel that the development of this characteristic within my fiber has afforded me rewards many times over in various aspects of my life.

My former was described by those who know me best as pendulum-like, a sort of a push-pull dynamic, and perhaps even a little volatile. My emotions were often enigmatic to those who cared for me, and often mysterious even to the source (me). The navigation and exploration that ensued within myself was both thrilling and invigorating. Fortunately for me, I spent a great deal of time attempting to document days both significant and seemingly mundane, both eventful and routine, both blissful and also gut-wrenching. In retrospect, it was evident that there were days where I could employ my creative sensitivity to illustrate my state, and then there were days when there was barely enough time to connect pen to paper. Most of what I have written down is not only intensely personal, but also self loathed by my apparent limitations in vocabulary. But, I came across one modge-podge of words that struck me funny; I find it amazing how my life is, dichotomously, different and yet very much the same after eight short years. Anyways, once again I welcome you to me...

Friday, February 27, 2009

A P-Patch To Call Home.

This is no mistake...I'm actually blogging two days in a row. However, I come bearing good, no great news. I'm stoked out of my gourd (pun intended) because I received word that I have been assigned a HUUUUGGGGEEE P-Patch plot in the community garden at Magnuson Park for this upcoming summer. Yes, this means lots of time in the sun, playing in dirt, and eating home grown food. I have been volunteering in the food bank garden for the last 2 years, but I finally have a plot to call my own. Word on the street is now that the economy has tanked, there is a waiting list a mile long to receive one's own plot. I think I've already decided on some zucchini, pattypan squash, cherry tomatoes, heirloom tomatoes, lettuce, rainbow chard, perhaps some beets, a small herb garden...any other suggestions? Send in your request now and I'll put my green thumb to the test in getting you some local, organic produce by midsummers time. Later potato.